Presentation of the Project at the first Expo dell'educazione e del lavoro, Milan, 27-30/4/2004 (under the aegis of the Multimedia unit of the European Commission)
New article! David Mighetto & Ingmar Söhrman, "eELP: El Portfolio Electrónico Europeo de las Lenguas - una herramienta para la didáctica y la evaluación", in Moderna Språk, Volume C, Number 1 - 2006, pp.142-156
New article! I. Söhrman, D, Mighetto, "The Use of an Electronic Portfolio as a tool for Self-evaluation and Language Acquisition", Lingua, in print
Paper presentation! Cyprus Academic Forum 1st All Cyprus Social Sciences and Humanities Conference, Intercollege, Cyprus, 18-19/3/2005. Title: C. Vrasidas, M. Zemyblas, N. Christodoulou, N. "Current research and development in e-learning"
2006. Ingmar Söhrman (Göteborgs universitet) & David Mighetto (Högskolan i Skövde): "Proyecto de Estudio del Portfolio Electrónico Europeo de las Lenguas - Presentación del portfolio electrónico eELP". En Actas del XVI Congreso de Romanistas Escandinavos, Copenhagen/Roskilde, Dinamarca, 24-27 agosto de 2005, p. 1-15. http://www.ruc.dk/isok/skriftserier/XVI-SRK-Pub/TVI/TVI14-Soehrman/
Paper presentation! Paper presentation at the TESOL-Italy XXX National Convention, University of Rome, 23-24/9/ 2005. Title: L. Pedrazzini, M. C. Rizzardi, "E-ELP: an Electronic European Language Portfolio"
Paper presentation! Paper presentation at the XXIII Congresso dell'Associazione Ispanisti Italiani, Messina, 6-8/10/2005. Title: E. Landone, "La nuova dimensione della contrastività nel Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue (PEL)"
Paper presentation! Paper presentation at the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, August 2005. Title: Vrasidas, C., Landone, E., Zembylas, M., Christodoulou, N. "e-ELP: electronic European Language Portfolio".
Paper presentation! Convegno Nazionale LEND Lingue e culture: una sfida per la cittadinanza, Rome, 24-26/11/2005, Title: L. Pedrazzini, M. C. Rizzardi, M. del R. Uribe, "Il Portfolio digitale: i risultati di una ricerca in corso"
New invitation! The Project co-ordinator has been invited to the EUROPASS Italian official presentation by the Centro Nazionale Europass Italia, Rome, 2/12/2005. Title: E. Landone, "Presentation of the research on the digital Language Passport"
New article! Article on the e-ELP for the Spanish review CARABELA (on didactics of foreign languages) to be published in a monographic number on ELP, October 2006.
New invitation! The Project co-ordinator has been invited to held a seminar at the Spanish cultural centre (Instituto Cervantes) of Milan, 17/2/2006. Title: E. Landone, "Advantages and difficulties in the use of an e-ELP"
New invitation! Maria Cecilia Rizzardi, Luciana Pedrazzini, and María del Rosario Uribe have been invited to held a seminar at the British cultural centre (British Council) of Milan (6/4/2006), Title: "Il Portfolio digitale: i risultati di una ricerca in corso"
New seminar! I. Söhrman will gave a seminar at the Department of Romance Languages (Göteborgs Universitet) (18/1/2006), Title: "How to use an ELP"
New invitation! At the Congress What's English? Gap fra istruzione e mondo del lavoro by the MIUR Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia and English Diffusion Group (Corriere della Sera, RCS), Milan, 17/12/2005. Title: L. Pedrazzini, "Costruzione di un portfolio linguistico elettronico".
We submitted a proposal for a paper presentation at the 4th Pan-Hellenic Conference on the use of ICT in education - 29/9 - 3/10/2004 (Proposal titled: "The Digital European Language Portfolio", by C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, S. Retails, and E. Landone)
Letture consigliate
A. Stylianou, C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, and E. Landone, "Technologies Challenging Literacy: Hypertext, Community Building, Reflection, and Critical Literacy" in L. Tan Wee Hin and R. Subramaniam (eds.) Handbook of Research on Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA.
C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, E. Landone, "Language Learning and User-Centered Design: The Development of the Electronic European Language Portfolio", in P. Zaphiris and G. Zacharia (eds.), User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning, Hershey - USA, Idea Group Inc., 2005.
Book chapter A.Stylianou, C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, and E. Landone, "Technology and literacy", Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA, in print.