Eventos y materiales útiles
Presentation of the Project at the first Expo dell'educazione e del lavoro, Milan, 27-30/4/2004 (under the aegis of the Multimedia unit of the European Commission)
New article! David Mighetto & Ingmar Söhrman, "eELP: El Portfolio Electrónico Europeo de las Lenguas - una herramienta para la didáctica y la evaluación", in Moderna Språk, Volume C, Number 1 - 2006, pp.142-156
New article! I. Söhrman, D. Mighetto, "The Use of an Electronic Portfolio as a tool for Self-evaluation and Language Acquisition", Lingua, in print
Paper presentation! Cyprus Academic Forum 1st All Cyprus Social Sciences and Humanities Conference, Intercollege, Cyprus, 18-19/3/2005. Title: C. Vrasidas, M. Zemyblas, N. Christodoulou, N. "Current research and development in e-learning"
2006. Ingmar Söhrman (Göteborgs universitet) & David Mighetto (Högskolan i Skövde): "Proyecto de Estudio del Portfolio Electrónico Europeo de las Lenguas - Presentación del portfolio electrónico eELP". En Actas del XVI Congreso de Romanistas Escandinavos, Copenhagen/Roskilde, Dinamarca, 24-27 agosto de 2005, p. 1-15. http://www.ruc.dk/isok/skriftserier/XVI-SRK-Pub/TVI/TVI14-Soehrman/
Paper presentation! Paper presentation at the TESOL-Italy XXX National Convention, University of Rome, 23-24/9/ 2005. Title: L. Pedrazzini, M. C. Rizzardi, "E-ELP: an Electronic European Language Portfolio"
Paper presentation! Paper presentation at the XXIII Congresso dell'Associazione Ispanisti Italiani, Messina, 6-8/10/2005. Title: E. Landone, "La nuova dimensione della contrastività nel Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue (PEL)"
Paper presentation! Paper presentation at the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, August 2005. Title: Vrasidas, C., Landone, E., Zembylas, M., Christodoulou, N. "e-ELP: electronic European Language Portfolio".
Paper presentation! Convegno Nazionale LEND Lingue e culture: una sfida per la cittadinanza, Rome, 24-26/11/2005, Title: L. Pedrazzini, M. C. Rizzardi, M. del R. Uribe, "Il Portfolio digitale: i risultati di una ricerca in corso"
New invitation! The Project co-ordinator has been invited to the EUROPASS Italian official presentation by the Centro Nazionale Europass Italia, Rome, 2/12/2005. Title: E. Landone, "Presentation of the research on the digital Language Passport"
New article! Article on the e-ELP for the Spanish review CARABELA (on didactics of foreign languages) to be published in a monographic number on ELP, October 2006.
New invitation! The Project co-ordinator has been invited to held a seminar at the Spanish cultural centre (Instituto Cervantes) of Milan, 17/2/2006. Title: E. Landone, "Advantages and difficulties in the use of an e-ELP"
New invitation! Maria Cecilia Rizzardi, Luciana Pedrazzini, and María del Rosario Uribe have been invited to held a seminar at the British cultural centre (British Council) of Milan (6/4/2006), Title: "Il Portfolio digitale: i risultati di una ricerca in corso"
New seminar! I. Söhrman will gave a seminar at the Department of Romance Languages (Göteborgs Universitet) (18/1/2006), Title: "How to use an ELP"
New invitation! At the Congress What's English? Gap fra istruzione e mondo del lavoro by the MIUR Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia and English Diffusion Group (Corriere della Sera, RCS), Milan, 17/12/2005. Title: L. Pedrazzini, "Costruzione di un portfolio linguistico elettronico".
We submitted a proposal for a paper presentation at the 4th Pan-Hellenic Conference on the use of ICT in education - 29/9 - 3/10/2004 (Proposal titled: "The Digital European Language Portfolio", by C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, S. Retails, and E. Landone)
A. Stylianou, C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, and E. Landone, "Technologies Challenging Literacy: Hypertext, Community Building, Reflection, and Critical Literacy" in L. Tan Wee Hin and R. Subramaniam (eds.) Handbook of Research on Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA.
C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, E. Landone, "Language Learning and User-Centered Design: The Development of the Electronic European Language Portfolio", in P. Zaphiris and G. Zacharia (eds.), User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning, Hershey - USA, Idea Group Inc., 2005.
Book chapter A.Stylianou, C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, and E. Landone, "Technology and literacy", Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA, in print.