Project of study of the electronic European Language Portfolio
This Minerva proposal aims at the implementation of a European Language Portfolio (ELP) in an digital format, useful for learners of foreign languages. The Council of Europe has recently stated that language teaching and learning are key elements towards European integration and mobility. This firm belief is at the root of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (2001). One important aspect underlined by the Framework is the need for the European citizen to have a personal document describing all his/her linguistic experiences and certifications. This document is called the European Language Portfolio - ELP. At present many European Institutions have already accepted the suggestions given by the Framework and have created different paper versions of the Portfolio adapting the European ELP format to their specific needs. However the paper editions present some limits that may be overcome by a digital version of the ELP. We aim at creating a digital ELP for university students which would bring many advantages in terms of ODL.
This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community within the framework of the Minerva Programme.Information expressed in the website reflects the views only of the ELP project partnership. The European Commission cannot be responsible for any use which may be made of the information
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Project References
Title: Project of study of the electronic European Language Porfolio (ELP)Reffered in ISOC Socrates Projects DatabaseReference number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT-MINERVA-MPPDuration: 2 years (from November 2003 to November 2005) Type of project: the project is funded by the EU Socrates/Minerva Action, which seeks to promote European co-operation in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in education, as stated in the official Minerva Action web site